viernes, 25 de enero de 2013

In these early days of 2013, Google has evolved into a number of changes that gradually changed again positioning strategies online.

First, we have moved from the near impossibility of being able to place more than one page followed by a single website for a single keyword. This leads, for example, that if we as bedspreads keywords or sabanas infantiles and ropa de hogar in Spanish, we can be followed by several pages of the website of Pedro Salcedo.

This new perspective changes a bit the system of having to have multiple sites in different domains and directories in order to position them independently.

Advantages of the new system of Google

Among the advantages of this system of Google, importance is the power to make and concentrate efforts on a new domain. If we want to promote an architectural firm, we use a unique domain address, as

Here we get to one keyword as modern architecture positioned several of our pages, since they are horizontal words can be used in more than one page.

If we use a different concept, such as houses, we can dedicate a page to this issue and a few pages of support parallel to it. In this way we can move forward to achieve better results and convergence in what the visitor sees when looking for housing, architects or projects. Also you can check this instructions for

Cons in the new system

The main disadvantages are that, now, we can find genuine mass filling pages of other websites spaces, anteiormente, were distributed among several different domains.

This will cause the weakest sites are wiped and hence tendency that as usually, only the strongest resist. The earlier theory that in a web of automatic garage doors, as Aprimatic, focus on motor cover door and garage door seems to have its days numbered. When we talk about cell stem, like Secuvita, we should check keywords like banco de cordón umbilical or células madre. This can be spread all around their website, because all thems are, more or less, similar.

The reason is that the benefits that previously gave several concepts which confluence on the same page, thankful for Google, will have to offset otherwise diversity, like in Medina Cuadros' website

For Architects Foraster such allocation may result in the need to create more text, images involving more and more content. Is this the point of sacrificing visual impact to implement texts? It is possible, and will be analyzed.

Domains and subdomains

The variety of subdomains may be affected if you really force a website will be rewarded with various results in the SERPS.

Where we are analyzing, as Pedro Salcedo, it would be inappropriate to make a subdomain sheets, bedspreads and duvet covers in different sizes, colors, backgrounds, and prices, to introduce concepts such as infant sheet sets, duvet covers, duvet covers patterned or cheap duvet covers.

With the new system, it would be logical to make even a website for the duvet covers and even a concrete for cheap duvet covers and one for patterned duvet covers. Alongside these pages, would also smart to introduce elements of one another.

In some cases it is clear, since obviously a patterned duvet cover includes duvet cover concept, but in other cases would not be so clear.

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