lunes, 13 de agosto de 2012

Visitors, marketing and blogs

Today online marketing campaigns should be directed to readers, since it will not help the web content generation if the reader does not find them useful.

But we are able to not introduce into their minds to find out, but if you implement some systems that allow us to find out what their preferences and higher interest.

Digital marketing points

1. Concentrate on the questions found in the comments of your website.

You should offer a space for your fans to comment. Even when readers ask or feedback on the content of a particular item, if you concentrate you will find subjects to present new items. For example: if a player leaves a question you can write a post with the answer, or if two readers debate different perspectives of the same subject, you can submit a comprehensive article researched from these two points of view. Use the tools like Google search engine's internal search to find what they are looking for your views. This is the real economy.

2. Make a survey for your readers tips on your next article.

Often folk do not know precisely what they would like to read but will be provided if you give them an inventory of possible subjects you can choose. This option and permit you to know the topics that your readers are interested, generate interactions with them, additionally they want to return to see if the option they chose was the winner. As editor you may not be pleased to place a different poll every day, but a week is acceptable.

3. Use statistical data and trends to imagine what your readers want to read.

If you don't have the capability to communicate immediately with your fans, you should review the trends of what folk have an interest in general. For this you can review what generates bigger interest in other websites. Refine your content marketing strategies, learn how to care more content. Make use of tools like Google Trends or trendster. Digital Marketing is the king.

4. Acccept guest articles.

There isn't any neater way to find out what your readers need to find on your website, to let them write themselves. Certainly you should review and edit articles before publication, but indisputably implement this plan of action on your website will take you to another level.

For more information in Spanish about business and marketing you can visit

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